FNC Academy GTC (Global Training Center)
FNC Academy Global Center offers training
programs for future KPOP stars, We train them to be well-prepared candidates
for various KPOP auditions which is the first step to prosperous KPOP star here
in Korea. Anybody can apply the courses as long as long as you have passions to
achieve what they are dreaming for.
It is fair to say that you need to have
necessary training here in Korea if you want to be KPOP star.
If you successfully complete our courses
and reach the level required, you will have chances to apply for audition not
only from FNC but also for various entertainment companies in Korea.
If you are successful in any audition, you
will be a trainee in the entertainment company which is the first step of being
a KPOP star.
However, to complete our courses doesn’t
mean that you will be successful in various auditions. Each entertainment
company has different point of views when they select future KPOP star in
auditions. You really need to work hard in the courses, and make yourself well
prepared for the auditions.
Usually 3-4 entertainment companies are
holding auditions. We give information about auditions and help you to attend
auditions. You can’t just attend any audition as you want.
Each entertainment company has different
rules and regulations for trainee.
You have to bear in mind that some provides
room and board and some don’t.
However, room and board will be definitely
provided when you make debut.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me
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